Sandra Vacca
Project Management
At DOMiDLabs, various people came together in four different labs. Their common goal was to develop design concepts and ideas around a variety of topics and questions, which will help DOMiD to create a multifaceted and engaging migration museum. Find out more about the participants of each lab: Lab #01, Lab #02, Lab #03 and Lab #04.
Sandra Vacca, Dr. Azziza B. Malanda and Carmen Steins were the DOMiD team and contact persons. They worked together behind the scenes at DOMiDLabs as well as with the team members of each lab.
Project Management
Press and Public Relations // Deputy Project Management
Project Administration
DOMiD, the Documentation Center and Museum of Migration in Germany, is a registered non-profit organization that was founded by immigrants in 1990. DOMiD houses the country's largest collection of objects and papers, documenting the diverse history of migration in Germany. The ever-growing collection comes from and out of civil society, and currently comprises more than 150,000 objects and papers documenting social, cultural and day-to-day-life history and stories. With its exhibitions, publications and events, DOMiD is among the pioneers of musealization of migration and the dissemination of migration history. In so doing, DOMiD stands for a multi-perspective view of history and advocates for an inclusive culture of remembrance. Through its work and existence DOMiD values and promotes diversity.
Sponsored by the German federal government and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, and under the direction of DOMiD, Museum Selma will open in Cologne-Kalk in the next few years. The museum will explore how migration has been inscribed on German history and how it has shaped our present-day society.