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Katarzyna Wielga-Skolimowska visits DOMiD

On Friday, 15. September 2023, the Artistic Director of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, Katarzyna Wielga-Skolimowska, visited the DOMiD office in Cologne. Dr. Robert Fuchs (Management | DOMiD), Andrea Nepomuck (Education and Outreach | DOMiD) as well as Sandra Vacca (Project Management | DOMiDLabs) provided insights into the work and collection of DOMiD and informed, among other things, about the current status of the projects House of Immigration Society and DOMiDLabs.

There are six people shown in the group photo. They are standing in front of a photo wall. The photo wall shows a section of the design of the future migration museum. On the top left of the wall is the writing #unserMuseum.

Visiting DOMiD: (from left to right) Carmen Steins (Project Administration | DOMiDLabs), Sandra Vacca (Project Management | DOMiDLabs), Katarzyna Wielga-Skolimowska (Artistic Director | Federal Cultural Foundation), Dr. Robert Fuchs (Management | DOMiD), Azziza B. Malanda (PR and Public Relations / Deputy Project Director | DOMiDLabs), Andrea Nepomuck (Education and Outreach | DOMiD). Photo: DOMiD Archive, Cologne