| Team

Introduction of the DOMiD Team

Unter „Über uns“ werden Sandra Vacca, Azziza B. Malanda und Carmen Steins als Ansprechpartnerinnen für die unterschiedlichen Arbeitsbereiche im Projekt vorgestellt. Aber wer versteckt sich hinter diesen Namen? Um die drei ein wenig besser kennenzulernen, werden sie in diesem Beitrag kurz vorgestellt.

Carmen Selina Steins (she/her)

At DOMiDLabs, I make the project's sponsor happy by making sure that administratively, everything runs by the book. Quotes, quotes, quotes!

Before I came to DOMiDLabs, I tried my hand at many things. A traineeship as glass painter, a traineeship in business for office communication with many years of work as HRcoordinator as well as academic studies in Art History and Dutch studies are only a few stops.

For me, DOMiDLabs stands for a diverse and unique project in which participation is written in capital letters - in the content and in the team.

What the DOMiDLabs team didn't know about me: that I don't like hot water with flavor.

Against a pink background, the name Carmen Steins and project administration are written in white letters. Below is a photo of Carmen Steins in black and white. She wears her hair loose and smiles. The name and photo are framed by a white square. In the lower left corner, the word Labs is inserted into the square.

Photo: DOMiD-Archiv, Köln

Azziza B. Malanda (she/her)

Against a red background, the name Azziza B. Malanda, PR/public relations as well as deputy project management are written in white letters. Below is a portrait photo of Azziza B. Malanda in black and white. She wears her hair half-open and smiles. The name and photo are framed by a white square. In the lower left corner, the word Labs is inserted into the square.

Photo: DOMiD-Archiv, Köln

At DOMiDLabs, I do everything to make sure the communication is right, both internally and externally. In addition, I help shape the content of the labs and otherwise let myself be surprised by the tasks that flutter across my desk every day.

Before I came to DOMiDLabs, I studied, did my PhD and worked a lot with children and youth groups in a museum. I have, however, still not let go of my own research on Black German history.

For me, DOMiDLabs stands for exciting encounters, fun, listening, learning from each other, great teams and creating something together piece by piece.

My colleagues say that it's typical for me to set a timer for my tea even in meetings.

Sandra Vacca (she/her)

At DOMiDLabs I do everything that has to do with the planning of the project. I alsoenjoy talking to exciting people from whom I get to learn a lot! In addition, I design the labs with the respective teams and I am the "bridge" between DOMiDLabs and the „ Haus der Einwanderungsgesellschaft“ ("House of Immigration Society").

Before joining DOMiDLabs, and since 2013, I have been working on other DOMiD projects, such as the Virtual Migration Museum and #Meinwanderungsland. In parallel, I gave migration history workshops for trade unions, among others. And before that... I studied and spent some time learning German!

For me DOMiDLabs stands for exciting and stimulating conversations, beautiful and emotional encounters, creativity and fun times, inspiring teamwork, and the chance to rethink the institution "museum" together with many people.

What the DOMiDLabs team didn't know about me: I am a jukebox: everything reminds me of songs – but most of the time nobody knows them!

Against a purple background, the name Sandra Vacca and project management are written in white letters. Below is a photo of Sandra Vacca in black and white. She wears her hair loose and smiles. The name and photo are framed by a white square. In the lower left corner, the word Labs is inserted into the square.

Photo: DOMiD-Archiv, Köln